Bunnies & Kids
written by bunmom
Now, there are a few mixed opinions on this but quite a few of us bunmoms have the same opinion. Bunnies and kids do not mix well together unless the parent is the one looking after it/doing most of the work until the child is responsible enough to look after it. This is why I often preach about kids not getting bunnies for a birthday, Easter, Christmas, etc. Animals are not gifts, they are family, and a life long commitment. Bunnies are no different than cats and dogs in this situation. You wouldn't get your 6 year old a dog and expect them to look after it yourself right? Well, newsflash, bunnies are just as hard to look after than a dog. Bunnies need a TON of space, which is why I recommend a larger x-pen or free roaming. They needs greens daily, UNLIMITED grass hay (timothy, alfalfa depending on your bunnies age, orchard, meadow)
I personally do not kids should have a bunny unless, like I mentioned the parent is responsible and has done their research. I have experienced this first hand, River was actually supposed to be my sisters rabbit but, surprise she lost interest in looking after her after a few weeks so, she gradually just became my rabbit, and the same thing happened with Timbit too. I know another family that kind of went through that too. Parents will buy their kids bunnies for a gift because usually they are babies and they are soft and cuddle and cute, until they chew the walls, or until it is time to clean out the litterbox.
So, Parents, if you are wanting to get your young child a bunny, please educate yourself because you are probably going to become the bunny's caretaker. Younger kids have powerful minds and they want to do different things, they will want a bunny and then you will get them a bunny and they won't have interest in it anymore and then they end up on the streets or in shelters and rescues. Please do your part and get a bunny responsibly.