If you have booked your appointment to get your rabbit spayed or neutered and now thinking of what you will need to prepare, I can help you! You need to start by eliminating your rabbit's space. Use an X-pen if they are free roamed and if they are in an X-pen you need to make it smaller. The goal is to make sure your bunny cannot run around, binky, do zoomies or anything like that so that they cannot rip their stitches open. You will need to take away anything that will make your bun jump. We had to cut our litter box so that Reese would not jump into it. We also took away his cardboard hidey house and put in his soft banana bed from bunniesthatlunch! I recommend laying fleece down on the bottom of the pen to provide extra comfort. Anything that is soft will make your bunny's recovery a lot more comfortable.
Now that we have our space all done, let's pack the stuff that you will need for aftercare and to take to the vet! You will need Critical Care. Your bunny will not eat when he/she gets home. We didn't have CC so what we did is blended hay, pellets and a small chunk of banana. I still think CC would have been easier but that is something you can do if your local Pet Store's do not have it. Another thing you will need. Your vet will probably ask you to bring food, Now, even though your bunny probably will not eat, make sure you pack lots of hay, favorite veggies and we packed a treat! Reese nibbled on some hay on his way home but most bunnies will not. While we are on this topic of the vet, make sure to feed your rabbit before surgery, just like any other normal day, your bunny's gut has to keep moving and since they won't want to eat for a bit after they get home, they need to have something in their bellies!
Now bunmom/bundad, do not stress out if you are struggling to get your bunny to eat, you can try to encourage them but the easiest thing is to give them CC. Reese did not eat until the next day after I gave him his first dose of meds, if your vet does not give you meds, you need to go back! These will help your bunny recover less painfully. now keep in mind every bunny is different so you might get lucky and your bunny might eat a few hours after they are home. Personally, I had to syringe CC and water to Reese before going to bed, then in the morning I gave him his first dose and a little bit after, his appetite was back! The first thing he ate was a Llama treat from @princess_leias_binkery! The next few days were pretty easy for us! Reese loved the meds and I found out that most bunnies do! The second day Reese was eating, not drinking as much but he was still drinking, I syringed him some water again before going to bed and by day 3, which was also our last day of meds, he was pretty much back to normal again. On Day 5, we expanded his pen a little bit and a week later we made his pen larger, in 2 weeks Reese was all healed up and back to free roaming!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

Day 1 of Pain Meds